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11. 4 1998: 37190. The potential impact of these external economic variables might be that small business owners need to be either planners to cover potential contingencies or lucky. Even given the confusing and sometimes conflicting results with respect to failure in small businesses, some common themes can be identified. The reasons for failure fall into three broad categories: managerial inadequacy, finance, and environmental. They, in turn, have some consistently mentioned factors see Table 1. 5 "Reasons for Small Business Failure". These factors should be viewed as warning signsdanger areas that need to be avoided if you wish to survive. Although small business owners cannot directly affect environmental conditions, they can recognize the potential problems that they might bring. This text will provide guidance on how the small business owner can minimize these threats through proactive leadership. Ultimately, business failure will be a company specific combination of factors.
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The need of the hour is to develop effective means to 'discover' employable students easily across the nation. Employability Certification such as AMCAT is one such proven scalable mechanism. Aspiring Minds National Employability Report Graduates 2013MET HOD OLOMETHODOLOGYThis report is based on AMCAT Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test tests conducted on a sample of more than 60,000 graduation students from numerous colleges across multiple states in India. All these 3 graduates shall graduate in 2013 . The analysis and findings of this report are based on the performance of these students in different modules of AMCAT, Indias largest and only standardized employability test. The syllabus for the modules is attached in the appendix. The modules are adaptive and their scoring is based on Item Response Theory, a globally recognized statistical technique for assessing high stake exams. The test was conducted under a proctored and credible environment ensured by Aspiring Minds. While designing the AMCAT module for these graduates, our instrument design team developed a competency framework to incorporate majority of the crucial domain and non specialized skills required from graduates for entry level jobs. Based on this competency framework, items questions for the test were designed. Special care was taken to ensure that items had good psychometric properties4.
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Telugu M. A. Linguistics,M. Phil. , Ph. D. From financial literacy to financial well being; a studyof the level of financial literacy of women teaching facultyin educational institutions in Coimbatore regionDoctoral Dissertation . S. Hephzibah Priyadharshini, Ph. D. Language Development Strategies in the Era of Globalization: TeluguNational Seminar Proceedings University of Hyderabad .
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L. 1997. Preschoolers Attributions of Mental States in Pretense. Child Development 66: 11331142. Salomon, G. 1984. Television is Easy and Print is Tough: The Differential Investment of Mental Effort as a Function of Perceptions and Attributions. Journal of Educational Psychology 76: 647658. Sanchez Vives, M. V. and Slater, M.
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